Developing a countywide shoreline and
development strategy

Our Coastal Development Plan

The Lake Development Authority is responsible for the implementation of the Lake County Coastal Development Plan and Landside Communities Plan. The plans were developed through several years’ worth of public input and reflect the residents’ vision for enhanced public access to the lakeshore and identify opportunities for Lake Erie-related tourism and private investment.
Our goals are to improve public access to the waterfront and promote private sector investment and economic development in our communities. The Lake County Planning Commission had developed a comprehensive Coastal Development Plan (CDP) as part of a county-based initiative to refocus attention on the value of Lake Erie as a major environmental, economic, and recreational resource.
The overall goal of the Coastal Development Plan (CDP) is to produce a coastal perspective on a countywide shoreline and development strategy. This strategy includes:
  • enhancing grant award and public funding leverage influenced through a regional effort;
  • encouraging land-side planning of projects within jurisdictions; and
  • devising a logical sequence of individual coastal projects resulting in an accessible, economically viable and locally relevant Lake County coastline.
The CDP articulates the overall coastal environment and identifies the opportunities associated with this valued coastal setting. The approach for the CDP considers both the physical coastal environment and the relationship of various coastal uses and associated development and recreational opportunities.
  • wave climate, lake levels, and bathymetry;
  • longshore sediment transport and shoreline recession;
  • shoreline ecosystem restoration needs and opportunities.
  • the creation of appropriately spaced, attractive port or coastal destinations along the county coastline;
  • linkages to and along the shoreline;
  • improved public access to the water;
  • improved boater access and safety;
  • marine recreation;
  • environmental enhancement;
  • education.

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